340B Drug Pricing Program

DHHS Division/Office issuing this notice: Office of Rural Health

Date of this notice: April 6, 2017

Working Title of the funding program: 340B Drug Pricing Program

Purpose- description of function of the program and reason why it was created:
The purpose of this program is to grant support to qualifying agencies with securing low-cost medications for migrant and seasonal farmworker patients and their dependents. Qualifying agencies include the ORH’s farmworker health contract sites which are not covered by another 340B Drug Pricing Program. Farmworkers are deemed eligible for services if they reside within the state of North Carolina, have worked in agriculture as their principal employment in the last 24 months, and either moved to establish a temporary abode for this employment or work as a farmworker on a seasonal basis.

Description- Brief statement of nature and scope of the program:
Funds support co-payment assistance for farmworkers receiving 340B prescriptions and emergency medication assistance for medications not on the 340B formulary.

These limited funds are intended to assist with providing access to pharmaceuticals for farmworkers and their families in North Carolina. ORH’s farmworker health contract sites who are not covered by another 340B Drug Pricing Program are eligible to apply.

How to Apply:
Applicants should complete the grant application and make sure that all required components of the application are submitted by the due date.

Grant Narrative
340B Contract Cover Page
340B Performance Measures

Deadline for Submission:
Agencies seeking funding should submit completed applications by email to Zoë L. Cummings at zoe.cummings@dhhs.nc.gov are due by 5:00 PM on April 24, 2017.  All application materials can also be faxed or postmarked prior to the deadline.

How to Obtain Further Information:

For more information about this application, please contact:
Zoe L. Cummings
NC Farmworker Health Program
Office of Rural Health
(919) 527-6479