Resources for Providers

The following resources are available to guide providers through the provision of effective and appropriate suicide prevention care in clinical settings.

  1. National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention – Health Care: A key element of suicide prevention is ensuring that people at risk for suicide receive the most effective and appropriate care. The Action Alliance is helping to transform suicide care through its Zero Suicide initiative and other efforts addressing workforce training, financing, crisis services, and standard suicide care.
  2. Zero Suicide – Resources for Clinical Settings: Quick access to resources supporting safe suicide care for specific settings.
  3. American Academy of Pediatrics, Suicide: Blueprint for Youth Suicide Prevention: This Blueprint for Youth Suicide Prevention is designed to support pediatric health clinicians in advancing equitable youth suicide prevention strategies in all settings where youth live, learn, work, and spend time.
  4. NCDHHS' Division of Child and Family Well-Being: The Child Behavioral Health Unit uses a coordinated network of community services and supports called a Systems of Care framework to help meet the challenges that children with behavioral health challenges and their families face in their daily lives.