Affording Aging

Goal: North Carolinians will have the means to effectively plan for their later stages of life, ensuring sufficient and sustainable financial provisions, fostering avenues for personal growth and advancement, and actively contributing their knowledge and expertise to the betterment of their communities. This workgroup addresses financial planning, personal growth opportunities, and community engagement for aging individuals.

Affording Aging Stakeholder Workgroup Meeting Schedule

Meetings will take place on the  third Wednesdays at 10am of every month through February 2024. We will be using the same Zoom link for all meetings. These meetings will be recorded for your convenience.

Zoom Meeting Link:

Topic: Affording Aging Workgroup
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 840 5928 7918
Passcode: 693296
Phone Number: 309 205 3325
Co-leads/leads of subgroups will set up meetings among you who have chosen the respective categories:
1. Financial Preparation (Lead-Chris Brandenburg, AARP NC Advocacy Associate State Director): Emphasizing retirement planning, saving options, and income assistance programs to support financial stability during the aging process including consumer protection and fraud. 
2. Workforce Opportunities (Lead- Alice Williams, Lumber River COG Workforce Development): Addressing both paid and unpaid work options for older adults, including employment retraining programs, flexible work arrangements, and promoting age-friendly workplaces. 
3. Lifelong Learning and Leadership Development (Lead- Paula Hartman-Stein, Brevard Adjust Professor of Psychology): Promoting educational resources and lifelong learning initiatives that enable continuous personal and professional development for aging individuals; supporting the development of leadership skills among older adults, enabling them to contribute actively in decision-making processes and take on leadership roles in various spheres of society. 
4. Intergenerational Engagement (Lead: Julia Burrowes, American Society on Aging Thought Leader and Impact Manager): Encouraging volunteerism, engagement opportunities, and collaboration between different generations to foster social connections, mutual support, and knowledge-sharing. 
5. Sustainability of Public Services (Lead: Annette Eubanks, AAA, Mid-East Commission): Addressing the sustainability of the service expansion and innovations made possible during the pandemic and recovery period via temporary federal American Rescue Plan Act funding. 
Inclusion and Equity: Focusing on ensuring equal opportunities, access, and representation for aging individuals from diverse backgrounds and marginalized communities- this is cross-cutting across all sub-committees.
If you have any questions, please contact Affording Aging Co-chairs Suzanne Black or David Richardson.