North Carolina Financial System

As you are likely aware, on October 10, 2023, North Carolina will deploy its new financial system, the North Carolina Financial System (NCFS). Based on Oracle Financials Cloud Solutions, this new system will bring the most current technology and capabilities to North Carolina agencies, universities, and other government units and entities, and the more than 3,000 employees managing accounting and financial operations. NCFS will replace our existing solutions for general accounting functions, including Accounts Payable/payments.

As is the case with most change initiatives involving such large systems, challenges with the system are common in the first few days and weeks. While we will make every effort to ensure no significant delays, should you experience any payment issues, or if you have concerns, please contact your NCDHHS contract monitor/administrator. 

Please make sure that all required forms, i.e., sub-W-9 and electronic payment forms are completed and submitted to your division contacts and/or contract administrators for processing to ensure no delays when invoices are submitted for payment.

We understand this is a tremendous change for all and will work together to ensure a smooth transition to the new statewide accounting system with minimal impact to the payment process.