
988 Performance Dashboard

988 Performance Dashboard

LME/MCO Dashboard

Improving Behavioral Health is a top priority at NCDHHS. We’ve created a Department-wide monthly dashboard of key outcomes of the Behavioral Health System.  Our goal is a tool that highlights our shared priorities and opportunities for improvement.  When something needs improvement, the goal is to start a conversation on how things could be better, and discovering all the pieces at play.  If we can better define the problem, we can better work together to solve it.

LME/MCO Dashboard
Dashboard Posted 6/28/24
Dashboard Posted 4/5/23                     
Dashboard Posted 5/10/23                              
Dashboard Posted 6/30/23                  
Dashboard Posted 7/31/23
Dashboard Posted 8/31/23
Dashboard Posted 10/30/23
Dashboard Posted 11/30/23
Dashboard Posted 12/22/23
Dashboard Posted 1/31/24
Dashboard Posted 2/29/23
Dashboard Posted 3/28/24
Dashboard Posted 4/30/24
Dashboard Posted 5/31/24

DMHDDSUS Service Utilization Dashboard

The data in this dashboard is related to the people served by the Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Use Services (DMH/DD/SUS) using state allocated funding and federal block grants. Funding is administered by the Local Management Entity-Managed Care Organization (LME-MCOs) and billed through the state billing system.  DMH/DD/SUS allocates funds to the LME-MCOs each fiscal year based on a funding formula that incorporates factors such as the uninsured population, rurality, poverty, and prior year spending. Expenditures on service provision are managed by the LME-MCOs based on local and regional service needs. Spending on children is modest since most children are eligible for Medicaid services. The data includes fiscal years 2021 – 2023, the LME-MCOs included Alliance Health, Cardinal Innovations, Eastpointe, Partners Health Management, Sandhills Center, Trillium Health Resources, and Vaya Health. 

DMHDDSUS Service Utilization Dashboard

Standard Data Points

A collection of data includes estimates related to the NC population and the people we serve in NC. This information collection is updated at least twice annually.

Standard Data Points (4/1/2024)

Annual Reports

Annual Statistical Reports                              
Annual Synar Report

Block Grant Reports

SABG (Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant)                              
MHBG (Community Mental Health Services Block Grant)

General Assembly

Reports to the General Assembly Including: Death & Restraint Laws/Rules Compliance, DWI, General.

Local Management Entities/Managed Care Organization Reports

LME-MCO Quarterly Performance Measures: Performance Report

Quarterly performance measures reported to DMHDDSUS.

LME-MCO Quarterly Performance Measures: Performance Report SFY23, Quarter 4
LME-MCO Quarterly Performance Measures: Performance Report SFY23, Quarter 3
LME-MCO Quarterly Performance Measures: Performance Report SFY23, Quarter 2
LME-MCO Quarterly Performance Measures: Performance Report SFY23, Quarter 1

Performance Contracts Quarterly Reports                              

Rate Reports


Consumer Perception of Care Reports                              
National Core Indicators                              

Retired System Reports

NC-TOPPS Reports                              
Veterans & Military Report
LME/MCO Monitoring Reports                              
Transitions to Community Living Quality of Life Survey