Early Childhood Action Plan County Data Reports

To support communities in improving outcomes for young children and families, the NC Department of Health and Human Services has released county data for the 10 goals and more than 50 measures that are part of the state’s Early Childhood Action Plan. These data reports are available for all 100 counties and cover issues such as infant mortality, food and housing security, emergency room visits, child health, foster care, early learning and early literacy.

The Early Childhood Action Plan County Data Reports are a resource for communities to create aligned action to support children’s healthy development. Each report includes data disaggregated by age, race, ethnicity and geography. A recent report by the University of North Carolina’s Jordan Institute for Families called on the state to increase access to and transparency of early childhood data. The Early Childhood Action Plan County Data Reports are one response to that recommendation. Communities are encouraged to engage diverse perspectives to better understand the early childhood data made accessible through the county data reports.

For more information on the Early Childhood Action Plan County Data Reports, click here to register for an upcoming Webinar.

Information and Resources on Collaborative Data Analysis

School Reform Initiative
Idea Data Center: Data Meeting Toolkit
Idea Data Center: Engaging Stakeholders with State Data
Collective Impact Forum