Strategic Plan for Inclusion Works

All North Carolinians have the right to work in Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) and, over the past decade, DHHS has taken significant steps to transform services and systems to support individuals with disabilities as fully included members of their communities. However, North Carolinians with disabilities remain less likely to be employed in the community than their peers without disabilities.

Over the next five years, as part of our Strategic Plan to Promote and Expand CIE for Individuals with I/DD (CIE I/DD Plan), DHHS will enhance employment services and supports for individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities, including Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), by aligning them with evidence-based and promising practices to promote informed choice towards a successful transition to CIE.

This plan outlines the phased approach DHHS will take to promote and expand CIE opportunities for individuals with I/DD. Specific actions include:

  • Completing employment assessments with people engaged in services in ADVP settings.
  • Providing individuals with I/DD the resources needed to make an informed choice about CIE.
  • Completing Career Development Plans for all individuals receiving services in ADVP settings since January 1, 2020.
  • Making guidance, education, technical assistance, and other resources available to providers.
  • Establishing core competency training and training requirements for providers.
  • Ensuring collaboration between key DHHS agencies.
  • Establishing a clear pathway to employment for people with I/DD.

Recognizing that transformation can be difficult and confusing, our goal is to support individuals, families, caregivers and providers through this process. This will be accomplished through communication, education, and technical assistance, along with other supports and services, outlined in the plan below.

Additional Information

  • Strategic Plan to Promote and Expand CIE for Individuals with I/DD (PDF) NOTE: Our strategic plan is being revised and will be posted once updated.