Rural Health Center Support Grant SFY 2018-2019

Rural Health Center Support Grant SFY 2018-2019

DHHS Division/Office issuing this notice: Office of Rural Health

Date of this notice: February 16, 2018

Working Title of the funding program: Rural Health Centers Support: Medical Access Plan, Innovation, and Planning and Implementation Grants

Purpose- description of function of the program and reason why it was created: The purpose of grants awarded under this program is to support state-designated rural health centers. The Office of Rural Health assists underserved communities and populations with developing innovative strategies for improving access, quality, and cost-effectiveness of health care. Distribution of primary care providers in North Carolina has historically been skewed toward cities and larger towns. Rural residents, who often face transportation issues, find accessing primary care services difficult. Through the establishment of rural health centers, ORH enables local communities to provide access to their underserved populations who would otherwise be unable to receive needed primary care services due to geographic, economic, or other barriers. Thus, rural health centers have become an integral part of the health care safety net for North Carolina’s rural and underserved residents.

New and/or additional requirements may be added to any grant award throughout the SFY 2018 – 2019 grant period as we incorporate emerging topics, trends and best practices, including but not limited to Social Determinants of Health (SDOH), Health Information Exchange (HIE), Telehealth (including Telepsych), Integrated Care, etc.

Funding Availability:

1 - MAP Grant- Award date: 7/1/2018
Application Closing Date and Submission Instructions: Grant applications must be received via electronic survey by March 29, 2018. Newly recognized State-Designated RHCs may apply up to March 29, 2019.

2 - Innovation Grant - Award date: 7/1/2018
Grant Application Closing and Submission Instructions: Grant applications must be received via electronic survey by March 29, 2018.

3 - Planning and Implementation Grant - Award date: 7/1/2018
Grant Application Submission Instructions: Grant applications must be received via electronic survey by March 29, 2018.

Project Period or Contract Term SFY 2018-2019

Awards are granted to applicants submitted between July 1, 2018 and April 2nd, 2019. All grantees must fully expend grant funds prior to June 30, 2019. All invoices for completed and projected work must be submitted to ORH for reimbursement no later than June 8, 2019

Eligibility: To be eligible to apply for these funds, your organization must be deemed a State-Designated Rural Health Center by ORH. The maximum total grant award is dependent upon demonstrated need at the rural health center or by the organization and is contingent upon funding availability.

MAP and Innovation Projects: ORH State-Designated 501(c)3 Rural Health Centers

Planning and Implementation Projects: Organizations deemed by ORH as a state-designated, 501(c)3 rural health center after July 1, 2015

How to Apply: You must submit your application through the online survey tool found here: Online Survey Link

Applicants are encouraged to download the Word version of the RFA for reference when entering into the survey. Additionally, an Excel budget template may be downloaded and uploaded through the survey.

Word Version of RFA
Excel Budget Template
Internal Control Questionnaire

How to Obtain Further Information:
Andrea Murphy, 919 527-6448,
Maggie Sauer, 919 527-6450,