Children with Complex Needs

NCDHHS has developed and implemented a process to identify Children with Complex Needs (CWCN) and link them to needed behavioral health assessments and appropriate services through Local Management Entity-Managed Care Organizations (LME-MCOs). 

Children with Complex Needs are between the ages of 5 and 21, with a developmental and/or intellectual disability and a mental health disorder diagnosis who are Medicaid eligible and at risk of not being able to return to or maintain placement in a community setting. 

Each LME-MCO is responsible for making this identification and working with identified children and families in order to link them to appropriate services and supports. Each LME-MCO has an identified point of contact staff that liaisons with the CWCN State Administrator, located at the DCFW. The point of contact staff also works internally within their organization to provide education, training opportunities, and assist with the coordination of care across mental health and intellectual and developmental disability service domains. 

Additional Information 

Find more information, including educational materials, resources, and online training opportunities. 

 NC DHHS- Children with Complex Needs  

NC MH/IDD Resources 

UNC Behavioral Health Springboard Training Opportunities