Medication Assistance Program

What We Do

Medication Assistance Program: Participating Free and Charitable Clinics, Community Health Centers, and Rural Health Centers provide access to free and low-cost medication through pharmaceutical company programs for low income, uninsured patients who cannot afford them. If you are in need of prescription assistance, please contact a clinic near you to see if you qualify for free prescription medication: Click here to contact a MAP site closest to you to see if you qualify for medication assistance.

In addition, NC MedAssist, a statewide free pharmacy program, provides prescription medications to uninsured, low-income patients. Patients must live in North Carolina, have no access to insurance, and meet certain income requirements. If you cannot afford prescription medications, please contact NC MedAssist to see if you qualify for assistance by using the following link or call 1-866-331-1348. 

Medication Assistance Program Profile
Medication Assistance Program Coverage


Office of Rural Health
2009 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699

Nicole Fields-Pierre, Community Health Program Manager