What is SUN Bucks?
The USDA’s SUN Bucks program is officially operating for the second year in North Carolina. SUN Bucks provides grocery-buying benefits to qualifying families with school-aged children during the summer months when schools are on summer break. SUN Bucks is sometimes referred to as Summer EBT.
SUN Bucks benefits are issued to debit-like cards (EBT cards) that families can use to purchase nutritious food during the summer period. To learn more, please see the SUN Bucks Frequently Asked Questions below!
Follow NCDHHS on Instagram, Facebook page, and X account (Twitter) for program announcements.
Key Updates
- SUN Bucks will be back in Summer 2025! Most students will be automatically enrolled in the program, but some will need to apply. To determine if you need to apply for SUN Bucks for your child, please use our Eligibility Chatbot in the bottom right corner of this page.
- SUN Bucks Search Tool. See if your child's school is part of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) or Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). Whether or not the school is NSLP or CEP may impact your child's eligibility (see "Does my child qualify for SUN Bucks" for more information).
- SUN Bucks questions? Contact a SUN Bucks customer service representative by calling 1-866-719-0141, choose your language, then press option 2.
Who is Eligible to Receive SUN Bucks?
Many children who are eligible for SUN Bucks will receive them without needing to complete an application. If your child meets at least one of the criteria below, they are automatically eligible for SUN Bucks and do not need to submit an application:
- Completed an application for Free or Reduced-Price school meals, and were approved (any age) or
- Is 7-16 years old and part of a household that receives Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) case, or
- Is 7-16 years old and part of a household that receives Work First (TANF), or
- Is 7-16 years old and in Foster Care, experiencing homelessness, migrant, participates in Head Start, or runaway, or
- If you completed an application for SUN Bucks between July 1, 2024 - August 31, 2024, and were approved you do not need to complete another application for summer 2025.
Households can apply if their children attend a National School Lunch Program (NSLP) or Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) school and will need to:
- Check your child’s school. Use the SUN Bucks School Search Tool to see if your child's school is part of NSLP or CEP. This may impact your child's eligibility.
Still have questions? Use the interactive Chat Bot by clicking on the blue circle at the bottom right of your screen.
SUN Bucks Frequently Asked Questions
About SUN Bucks
The SUN Bucks benefit will be issued to each child that qualifies in one lump sum for the summer period. The benefit amount remains the same, regardless of when the child is determined eligible. Each eligible child will receive only one SUN Bucks benefit issuance.
Approved students will be mailed a new SUN Bucks card.
You can use the SUN Bucks card to buy food at places that take EBT, like most big grocery stores, some farmers markets, and some online retailers. But just like with Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) benefits, you can’t use SUN Bucks to buy food that's already hot or prepared.
Here are some things you can buy with a SUN Bucks card:
- Breads, cereals, fruits, vegetables
- Meat, fish, chicken and dairy products
- Bottled water and drinks without alcohol
- Seeds and plants that will make food
Some things you cannot buy with a SUN Bucks card:
- Beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes, or tobacco
- Things that aren't food, like pet food, soap, household supplies, vitamins, and medicines
- Food that's already hot or prepared
Yes, benefits do expire. SUN Bucks benefits will expire 122 days after the date they are “Available” after being issued to the household’s SUN Bucks card, no matter when you activate your card.
You will receive an electronic or printed expiration notice no less than 30-days ahead of your benefits expiration date. Any unspent SUN Bucks benefits after these 30 days will expire and can no longer be used.
No, SUN Bucks doesn’t take the place of other food benefits. It’s extra help on top of any other benefits you or your children might be getting. You can look at the “Other Food Resources” section to find other food programs the available to you.
While some families will need to apply for the SUN Bucks program, many students will be automatically approved for it. To check if your child or children would be automatically enrolled or if they need to apply, see “Does my child qualify for SUN Bucks?”
If you are still not sure, you can wait for NCDHHS to send the invitations to apply out throughout the month of June 2025. Families who can apply for SUN Bucks will get an email or text to apply for SUN Bucks with instructions on how to find the application.
SUN Bucks is an income-based food assistance program. You can check if your household is income eligible by clicking here.
To check if your child is eligible, you can take the interactive eligibility quiz by clicking on the chat bot icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the SUN Bucks webpage. Select your language, then click “Take Eligibility Quiz.”
To check if your child(ren) automatically qualify or if they should apply, take the interactive eligibility quiz by clicking on the chat bot icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the SUN Bucks webpage. Select your language, then click “Take Eligibility Quiz.”
The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI) is running their own SUN Bucks program in 2025, so all questions about eligibility can be answered by EBCI. However, students should be eligible if they are “school-aged” (7 – 16) and participating in the Cherokee Tribal Foods Distribution Program (CTFDP/FDPIR) during the school year.
If you are a member of EBCI and are wondering about your child’s eligibility through CTFDP or need to change your contact information/update your address, please contact your caseworker or the EBCI WIC office.
A child is considered migrant if they have moved to join guardians to seek temporary agricultural or fishing employment due to economic necessity. If this scenario applies to your child, they may be eligible for SUN Bucks if they meet the requirements. See “Does my child qualify for SUN Bucks?” for more information.
Any child who meets the eligibility requirements can get SUN Bucks benefits for the summer, no matter their legal or immigration status. Getting SUN Bucks doesn’t affect your immigration status, and it won’t have an impact on any future immigration application you might submit.
The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) is a federal program that operates in most public schools, some charter schools, and a few private nonprofit schools. As part of this program, children part of households who meet income criteria can get free or low-cost meals at school.
Some NSLP schools are called Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) schools. These are schools that provide meals to all students at no cost without needing to submit a Free or Reduced-price school meal application. Some schools use different programs to provide students with meals at no cost. These programs are not the same as the NSLP or CEP meal programs.
Households can apply for SUN Bucks if their children attend an NSLP or CEP school. To check if your child’s school was an NSLP or CEP school for the most recent school year, visit the SUN Bucks School Search Tool.
You can check if your household is income eligible by clicking here.
Households that meet the income guidelines laid out in this table are income eligible for SUN Bucks.
Eligibility will be decided for each child separately. All students who are eligible will get the same amount in a one-time lump sum payment for the summer, even if they become eligible later in the summer. For children who submit an application for SUN Bucks, North Carolina may reach out if additional information is needed to determine eligibility.
For more details about who is eligible, visit “Does my child qualify for SUN Bucks?” to see if your child would be automatically approved or would need to apply.
How Households Will Receive the Benefits
Eligible students will get their SUN Bucks benefits on a new SUN Bucks card. Families should make sure that their school or food assistance caseworker has their correct mailing address, especially for where they’ll be over the summer.
Summer 2024 SUN Bucks issuances are still going out to those who are eligible but have not received their benefits and will continue through the end of September 2024.
2025 SUN Bucks issuances will begin in the summer of 2025.
More information about the SUN Bucks application can be found on the SUN Bucks Application webpage.
The SUN Bucks card might be issued in the name of the parent or guardian (listed in their school records or in their case file for other benefits) or in the student’s name. It’s fine to use the card that was given to you as long as the student is in your legal care, and you are providing their meals.
If you’re not taking care of the child, and the benefits were given to you by mistake, please call the North Carolina EBT Call Center at 1-866-719-0141, choose your language and then press option 2.
If your child participates in a qualifying assistance program (FNS, Medicaid, Work First, etc.) the head of household for that case will be listed on their card.
If your child does not currently participate in one of the qualifying assistance programs, the parent’s name that will be listed on the child’s card will be determined by the information provided on their SUN Bucks application or FRP application on file with your child’s school.
The SUN Bucks card works just like a debit card. Before using your card, you must first activate it and select a Personal Identification Number (PIN). There are three ways to activate, check your balance and replace your card:
- Visit www.ebtEDGE.com. Click on “More Information” under EBT Cardholder. You will be prompted to login or register your account.
- Download and use the ebtEDGE mobile app (can be downloaded on Google Play or Apple Store).
- Call 1-888-622-7328and follow the prompts.
The PIN activation code will be the birth date of one of the school-aged children in your house. Families should try the birth date for each student in their house, starting with the youngest one. You should enter the birth date using two numbers for the month, two for the day, and four for the year. So, for example, if the birth date is June 1, 2008, you would put in 06012008.
If you don’t want your children to get SUN Bucks, you can opt out of receiving benefits by calling the EBT Call Center at 1-866-719-0141 and press option 2 to speak with a SUN Bucks representative to let them know you do not want to receive benefits.
If you change your mind, you can choose to be part of it again by calling the same number before the end of the summer to get SUN Bucks.
Read tips to keep your card safe by visiting the NCDHHS Card Skimmers and Stolen FNS Benefits webpage.
Yes, if you don’t agree with the decision to deny your child’s application, you may request a review of their application. You have 30 calendar days from the date of denial to request a review. To request a review, contact the S-EBT Call Center at 1-866-719-0141, choose your language and then select Option 2 to speak with a representative and request a review. A processing agent may reach out to you for additional information.
If you do not agree with the decision of your child’s application, you can appeal the decision.
To do this, you need to submit a written request for an appeal or get in touch with the Hearing Officer. You can call them at 919-707-5600 or email them at dcfw.fns.admin@dhhs.nc.gov. But remember, you must do this within 90 days after the summer period ends (August 31, 2024). Any requests for an appeal that comes in more than 90 days after the summer period won’t be considered. For the appeal, you can have a lawyer or someone else represent you.
You must include with your appeal:
- Name of Requestor
- Name of child(ren)
- Student ID(s)
- Action to be appealed
- Reason for Appeal
- Contact information (phone number and/or email)
Written appeals should be submitted to:
Division of Child and Family Well-Being,
Food and Nutrition Services Section
Attn: Hearing Officer,
2416 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-2416
If your card has been lost or destroyed, a new card can be ordered at www.ebtEdge.com, on the ebtEDGE mobile app, or by contacting the EBT Call Center at 1-866-719-0141.
Please note that if benefits are used, the card can be replaced but benefits cannot be. To check your card balance, “How do I check my Sun Bucks and/or FNS EBT card balance?” for instructions. For more information about additional food assistance programs that might help, visit “Other Food Resources.”
This SUN Bucks webpage will continue to be updated with new information about the program, so check back regularly to learn more about the program and get the latest updates.
Be the first to know! Follow the NCDHHS social media accounts. These accounts are on Facebook, Instagram, and X (previously Twitter) (@NCDHHS).
A SUN Bucks customer service call center is available to help answer your questions. SUN Bucks agents will be able to answer questions about program information, the application, and more.
Contact a SUN Bucks customer service representative by dialing 1-866-719-0141, choose your language and then pressing option 2.
To access your Cardholder Portal, visit www.ebtEdge.com. This makes it easy to check your card balance, review recent transactions and see when benefits will be available. You will need to have your card number to complete the following steps.
To create an online account or use the ebtEDGE mobile app, you will need to register with a valid email address. If you don’t have an email address, you will need to create one.
To register for ebtEDGE, please follow the instructions below.
1. Visit www.ebtEDGE.com and select “Register Here” on the login page.
2. Complete the required fields.
a. Unique User ID
Must be between 4-35 characters in length and contain at least one alphabetical character.
b. Password with Confirmation
Must be 6-8 characters and contain at least one upper case alphabetical character, one lower case alphabetical character, and one number. Special characters such as @, #, and $ can be used.
c. First Name
d. Last Name
e. Email Address
f. Phone Number
Enter only numbers - no dashes, parenthesis, or spaces.
3. You will be redirected to set up challenge questions. These help to make sure your account is secure.
4. Select a question from the challenge question drop-down and then input your answer. After all required fields are entered, select “Done.”
5. You will be redirected to link your account to your User ID.
6. Click “Add Account,” enter your card number and validation criteria, and click “Add Card.”
You can easily check your card balance four ways:
1. Online by visiting www.ebtEDGE.com – read Option 1 below
2. Through the ebtEDGE mobile app – read Option 2 below
3. By text message – read Option 3 below
4. Through the EBT Call Center Automated Phone System – read Option 4 below.
Option 1: www.ebtEDGE.com
To check your balance using www.ebtEDGE.com, log into your account (see “How do I use ebtEdge (Cardholder Portal) for my EBT account?” to learn how to set up your account). Your current balance and a list of previous transactions will show on the screen.
Your ebtEDGE Cardholder Portal account will show if there are benefits posted and/or pending and when those benefits will be available for use. If your food benefit amount is listed under “Pending Items,” this means that you will not be able to spend them until the date listed below the pending deposit.
Option 2: ebtEDGE mobile app (available on iPhone and Android)
1. Download the ebtEDGE mobile app from the App Store or Google Play Store. Look for the icon below to make sure you have the correct app.

2. Enable location services when prompted to do so. This helps find nearby stores that accept EBT.
3. Log into your account. If it is your first time logging in, you will be prompted to register (see “How do I use ebtEDGE (Cardholder Portal) for my EBT account?”).
4. The current balance and a list of previous transactions will show on the screen.
Option 3: SMS text messages
Checking your balance by text message (SMS) is easy. Your cell phone number will need to be linked to the account. Follow these instructions to link your cell phone number. You will need your cell phone, P-EBT or FNS EBT card number and PIN.
1. Log into your account on www.ebtEDGE.com and select a card from the Welcome page.
2. Select “Messaging Registration” on the “Account Services” section of the Account Summary page.
3. Add your cell phone number with area code and click “SMS Balance” and “Text Alerts.”
4. Click on the “Save” button, and a confirmation message will appear.
5. Once you have linked your cell phone number and the account, you can check your account through text at any time.
a. To check your balance, text BAL to 42265.
b. To check your last five transactions, text MINI to 42265.
c. To stop receiving these text messages, text STOP to 42265.
Please note: If you have to request a new card, it will come pre-registered with SMS, and you do not need to repeat these steps.
Option 4: EBT Call Center IVR
To check your card balance through the automated phone system of the EBT Call Center, call 1-888-622-7328 and follow the automated instructions. Please have your card number readily available.
Other Food Resources
Below are other food benefit programs if you need help with food assistance now. Participation in these programs may also automatically qualify a student for SUN Bucks:
- Free or Reduced-Price school meals – provides children and teenagers breakfast, lunch, and snacks while they are at school at low or no cost. Contact your child’s school for more information and to apply.
- Food and Nutrition Services (FNS, food stamps) – these are food benefits that are issued to a debit card for families to purchase groceries. More information can be found at the FNS Homepage. Click HERE to apply online or find a FNS office closest to you by using our Local Department of Social Services finder
For additional resources:
- The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) - Provides food assistance benefits, nutrition education, breastfeeding promotion and support, and referrals to healthcare and social services for pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women, infants, and children under age 5.
- Visit the North Carolina State Nutrition Action Coalition for more information on the various food assistance programs offered in North Carolina.
- If you would like information on other options to get help with food, visit https://nc211.org or dial 2-1-1 or 1-888-892-1162 to speak with an operator who can tell you about food assistance resources in your area.