Division of Aging General Information and Announcements

National Core Indicators - Aging and Disabilities Survey 

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Division of Aging and Division of Health Benefits have partnered with the UNC-Chapel Hill Center for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to participate in the National Core Indicators – Aging & Disabilities (NCI-AD) project. The primary objective of this effort is to collect and maintain valid and reliable data through 400 interviews of Division of Aging Home and Community Block Grant (HCCBG) service recipients (200) and Division of Health Benefits Medicaid recipients (200). This will provide a broad view of how publicly funded services impact the quality of life and outcomes of service recipients and assess the performance of programs and delivery systems to improve services for older adults and individuals with physical disabilities.

For more information, watch this brief video.

The interviews will begin early October. We intend to ensure that agencies and providers are well-informed throughout the process via email and/or any other necessary form of communications. To prepare for this process, we are actively seeking your support and cooperation and the support of your HCCBG providers, who can reassure encourage clients to participate and assure them that the process is safe.

Interviews may be conducted by phone, at the recipients' chosen location, including senior centers and nutrition sites, or virtually. Participation is completely confidential and will have no impact on program eligibility. Participant identities will only be used for contact purposes. Names will not be published.

By June 2025, ADvancing States and the Human Services Research Institute will provide DHHS with a comprehensive report of the interview results. This report will provide valuable insights into North Carolina's landscape and allow meaningful comparisons with results from 27 other participating states.

For any inquiries, contact divya.venkataganesan@dhhs.nc.gov or visit https://nci-ad.org

All Ages, All Stages NC Update

On May 2, 2024, the All Ages, All Stages NC multisector plan for aging progress report was submitted to Governor Cooper’s office. To view the report, please visit this page 

Changes to Adult Day Services Fund

Public Comments are now open regarding the proposed changes. Please see the proposed rule and accompanying information related to the changes under the DOCUMENTS Section of this notice. For additional information, you may contact Misty Piekaar McWilliams via email at Misty.Piekaar@dhhs.nc.gov  or by phone at (919) 855-4980.

This page was last modified on 07/25/2024